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by Vineek



Whitted style ray tracer

Rayground API Reference

Scene Description

Scene structure is given in JSON format


Type Name Description
uint depth recursion depth of the simulation.
bool save_first_bounce enable the storing of first bounce intersection data and providing them in the Post Processing shader.


zero or more objects with a combination of the following properties

Type Name Description
string type
"quad" a unit quad, centered at (0,0,0) and facing -Z axis.
"cube" a unit cube, centered at (0,0,0).
"sphere" a unit sphere, centered at (0,0,0).
"triangles" a raw vertex buffer of a triangular mesh.
float[16] model model transformation (overrides other transformations).
float[4] rotate object rotation. (XYZ rotation axis, rotation angle in degrees).
float[3] translate object translation.
float[3] scale object scale.
float radius sphere radius (only valid for spheres).
float[] vertices an array of vertices in XYZ float format (only valid for triangles).
float[4] material_property0 .. 7 user specified material properties for the object.

Shader Stages Constants

Shader stages constants

Type Name Description
vec2 rg_Canvas canvas resolution in pixels.
vec2 rg_Pixel pixel coordinates relative to the lower left corner of the canvas.
float rg_Time fractional time in seconds since simulation start. Updates in every frame.
int rg_Frame current frame counter from previous compile. Updates in every frame.
ivec4 rg_Mouse .xy current mouse position if clicked, else (-1, -1), .zw previous click position. Updates on mouse press.
int rg_Depth current ray depth iteration. Starts at 0 and gets incremented after each ray intersection wave.
uvec4 rg_Seed cpu generated seed values. Updated for each stage.
float RG_PI 3.14159265359
float RG_TWO_PI 6.28318530718
float RG_FOUR_PI 12.5663706144
float RG_INV_PI 0.31830988618
float RG_INV_TWO_PI 0.15915494309
float RG_INV_FOUR_PI 0.07957747154

Ray Hit/Miss Stage Inputs

Ray data that triggered the hit or miss shader

Type Name Description
in vec3 rg_PrevRayDirection previous ray direction.
in vec3 rg_PrevRayOrigin previous ray origin.
in vec4 rg_PrevAccumulation previous accumulation color values.
in vec4 rg_PrevPayload0 .. 3 previous ray payload values.

Ray Gen/Hit/Miss Stage Outputs

Output variables that specify and pass a ray to the next stage of the pipeline

Type Name Description
out vec4 rg_Accumulation output accumulation color values (.rgb values, .a additive blending factor).
out vec4 rg_Payload0 .. 3 output ray payload values.
out vec4 rg_RayDirection output ray direction (.xyz direction, .w max travel distance).
out vec4 rg_RayOrigin output ray origin (.xyz origin, .w RG_RAY_ACTIVE_FLAG or RG_RAY_INACTIVE_FLAG).
func vec4 rg_Random(uint index, uint seed0, uint seed1) Obtain 4 random values from a counter-based pseudo-random sequence.
func bool rg_TraceOcclusion (vec3 origin, vec3 direction, float length) Trace the given ray segment against the scene and test for intersections.

Ray Generation Stage

Ray generation shader stage input/output variables and functions

Type Name Description
void rg_generate ( ) entry point signature.

Ray Hit Stage

Ray hit shader stage input/output variables and functions

Type Name Description
void rg_hit ( ) entry point signature.
in vec3 rg_Normal geometric normal of the intersected primitive.
in vec3 rg_Hitpoint ray hit position in world space coordinates.
in vec3 rg_BaryCoords the barycentric coordinates on the intersection with the primitive.
in vec2 rg_TexCoords the interpolated texture coordinates of the intersected primitive.
in int rg_MaterialID the primitive's material ID.
in int rg_ShapeID the primitive's shape ID.
in int rg_PrimitiveID the primitive ID.
in float rg_RayDistance the ray segment length.
func vec4 rg_MaterialProperty0 .. 7(int materialID) the material properties, as specified in the scene description for the given material ID.

Ray Miss Stage

Ray miss shader stage input/output variables and functions

Type Name Description
void rg_miss ( ) entry point signature.

Post Processing Stage

Post processing stage input/output variables and functions

Type Name Description
void rg_post_process ( ) entry point signature.
out vec4 rg_PixelColor final pixel color to be presented.
in rg_Image2D rg_AccumulatedImage a 2D image buffer with the accumulated values (after blending operation).
in rg_Image2D rg_Payload0Image a 2D image buffer with the payload0 values from the previous stage.
in rg_Image2D rg_Payload1Image a 2D image buffer with the payload1 values from the previous stage.
in rg_Image2D rg_Payload2Image a 2D image buffer with the payload2 values from the previous stage.
in rg_Image2D rg_Payload3Image a 2D image buffer with the payload3 values from the previous stage.
in rg_Image2D rg_FirstBounceRayOriginImage a 2D image buffer with the first generated ray origin. These values are provided by the backend if specified in the scene description.
in rg_Image2D rg_FirstBounceRayDirectionImage a 2D image buffer with the first generated ray direction. These values are provided by the backend if specified in the scene description.
in rg_Image2D rg_FirstBounceRayDepthImage a 2D image buffer with the first bounce depth (distance to the closest intersected primitive). These values are provided by the backend if specified in the scene description.
in rg_Image2D rg_FirstBounceNormalsImage a 2D image buffer with the first bounce normals (the normal of the closest intersected primitive). These values are provided by the backend if specified in the scene description.
in rg_Image2Di rg_FirstBounceMaterialID a 2D image buffer with the first bounce material ID (the material ID of the closest intersected primitive) stored in the R channel. These values are provided by the backend if specified in the scene description.
in rg_Image2Di rg_FirstBounceTriangleID a 2D image buffer with the first bounce triangle ID (the triangle ID of the closest intersected primitive) stored in the R channel. These values are provided by the backend if specified in the scene description.
func vec4 rg_ImageFetch2D(rg_Image2D image, ivec2 coords) a 2D image fetch from the specified pixel coordinates.
func ivec4 rg_ImageFetch2Di(rg_Image2Di image, ivec2 coords) a 2D image fetch of integer data from the specified pixel coordinates.

Rayground IDE Reference

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